Aggresive Pursuit of Justice

So proud and honored to attend
Higginbotham Gala in NYC where my awesome clients—including the indomitable Ruthie Walls—were given LCCR Courage Awards. Gisele (L) and Sadie Belle (R) represent hashtag#TheFutureWeDerserve. So proud!
Laux Law Group clients
Ruthie Walls and Gisele and Sadie Belle
Given LCCR Courage Awards at the Higginbotham Gala in New York City
NAACP Joins the FIGHT!
Laux Law Group files against
Arkansas Gov. Huckabee-Sanders
challenging the LEARNS Act AS
New Cases
Laux Law Group represents the family Tyrone Washington
Laux Law Group is honored to represent the family of Tyrone Washington, who was shot and killed Dec. 3, 2020 by a University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Police officer. The lawsuit includes five complaints that allege violations to Washington’s civil rights, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Laux Law Group represents the family of Sabrina Nguyen
Sabrina Nguyen told Memphis Police that her ex called her 50 times and threatened her life — and weeks later, she was dead. Sabrina reported the domestic abuse and stalking, her family expected the authorities would protect her but they failed.
Laux Law Group represents Norman High School Girls Basketball Team
Laux Law Group is very proud to announce that we have been retained to represent the incredibly tough and talented Norman High School Girls Basketball Team who endured an ugly racial slur from an announcer caught on a hot mic on their way to winning the Oklahoma State 6A Championship.
Litigation Practice Areas
§ 1983 Civil Rights/Police Misconduct and Personal Injury